We think before saying yes

The last thing you want to hear as a developer is that your site can’t be developed after you’ve gone unconditional on the purchase contract.

WSA have been involved in a job situated on a waterway that was affected by both local and regional flooding. Our initial brief was undertaking a preliminary desktop study to advise on the developable area. This report was provided to the client who then decided to push ahead with the purchase.

Under the advice of the client’s project manager the Development Approval phase of the project was sent out for pricing. We submitted our price and things went quiet.

Finally the project manager came back to us with feedback from other consultants that the development couldn’t be done. Fast forward six months and with WSA’s involvement this site now has a Development Approval that other consultants thought couldn’t be achieved.

WSA goes to great effort when providing preliminary information or tenders to ensure we can fulfil our clients expectations for a project. If WSA believe your proposal cant be delivered we will advise you immediately before to much money has been spent on a concept that is not viable.