Can I subdivide my property? – An engineering perspective

There are numerous factors that determine if a property can be subdivided. Each Council has its own set of rules and regulations (known as a Planning Scheme).  These rules set the framework for what is considered allowable development. While the rules change from Council to Council, what remains relatively the same is the engineering requirements that need to be met for a subdivision to occur.

As Civil Engineers with years of experience with subdividing land, we have a good grasp of minimum lots sizes, minimum frontages and average block widths and we can give you an indication of your expected lot yield. What we can also do, that generally a town planner or surveyor can’t, is tell you which engineering issues are going to stop your project before it even starts. There are 3 engineering requirements for a subdivision to occur:

– A connection point for sewer;
– A connection point for water; and
– A lawful point of discharge for stormwater

At WSA we offer a service called a “Discovery Review”. For a cost of $550 including GST, we will undertake a desktop review of a site in relation to sewer and water connections and a lawful point of discharge for stormwater. We will then hold a meeting with the client at our office or on the phone for up to one hour with either a Director or Principal Engineer to discuss the outcomes of the review.  A small up front free from an experienced civil consultant such as WSA could save you a fortune in fees from surveyors and town planners if a project is not viable from an engineering perspective. Give us a call on 3555 9888 to discuss your site today.